Indian Institute of Information Technology Gyan Circle Ventures located in IIIT Sri City provides valuable facilities to incubatees and startups. The incubatees of GCV gets access to

  • Modern work space
  • Communication facilities
  • Computing facilities
  • Equipment labs
  • Library & information Centre
  • Training and conference facilities


In addition, the incubatees can leverage the expertise of Mentors from both academia and the industry. Being an incubatee in a TBI which is a part of an esteemed high quality technical institution has additional perks. Startups need manpower and they have an opportunity to hire brilliant young minds from IIIT Sri City, either as interns or as full time employees.

Gyan Circle Ventures proposal to function as a Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs (TIDE 2.0) incubation centre was approved by the Ministry of Information Technology (MeiTy). They have chosen and are funding GCV as a Group 2 Centre.

TIDE 2.0 by MeiTy was initiated to promote tech entrepreneurship through financial and technical support to incubators engaged in using emerging technologies such as IoT, AI, Block-chain, Robotics etc. in pre-identified areas of societal relevance. More details of the scheme are available in the following links:

The TIDE 2.0 center at Gyan Circle Ventures will provide support for innovators and startups, in various phases, via the two following programs.

Entrepreneur-In-Residence (EiR) Program
  • An Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EiR) is an individual(s)/ student(s)/ start-up who are ready to develop and validate their idea into a Proof-of-Concept (POC).
  • They will work from GCV incubator space
  • GCV TBI will support the idea development, validation and subsequent development of POC.
  • A maximum up to Rs. 4 Lakhs will be provided to each EiR as Grant.

To register for the EiR program:  Application Form

Grants Program
  • Nascent start-ups with a definite Proof-of-Concept can be considered eligible for the grant. The grant is provided to create a Minimum Viable Product and to advance the start-up till Go-to-market stage.
  • A maximum of up to Rs. 7 Lakhs may be provided to each start-up as Grant.
  • GCV TBI will provide mentorship and guidance throughout the program.

To register for the Grant Program:  Application Form