Club Name: Langmant

About The club

Learning a foreign language is an emotional roller coaster mixed with amazing highs, frustrating plateaus, and the feeling like you’re not making any progress at all.

Langmant provides the best opportunity to the students of IIIT Sri City by bringing in the structured resources,quizzes and access to the best courses in order to learn a language with a faster and systematic approach...

Aims and objectives

The potential aim of this club is to provide enough opportunities for the students to learn foreign languages so that they are in a good position to pursue their further studies in foreign countries and also get benefits in job opportunities...


  • Webinars on introduction to different cultures.
  • Expanding the learning base to promote self-learning.
  • Collaboration with other organizations and language clubs.
  • Conducting Language quizzes
Core Team Members
Name and email id Role Image
Himanshu Pal (UG3)
Club Head
Siddharth Bhardwaj (UG2)
Assistant Club Head
Adithya Dittakavi (UG4)
Core member
Samhitha Gollamudi (UG3)
Core member
Rahul Raj (UG2)
Core member